Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Precious Five Year-Old

Today my little Simeon turned five. Five! I can hardly handle it. Wasn't I just pushing that blue-faced child out of me last week and watching the doctor gently unwrap the umbilical cord from around his neck? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was praying for that same stinking cord to fall off after it stayed attached for five weeks and could have been nominated for an award for the longest lasting umbilical cord ever? Where did five years go? Someone tell me!

I often joke with people when they comment on how much Simeon likes his momma that he thinks he is still attached to that umbilical cord. He just really likes me. He always has. If that child could crawl back up in my uterus, he would. That kid and his cord. I guess its been obvious from day one.

Thank you, God, for Simeon. Thank you for the joy that he brings to others. We named him after the Simeon in Luke 2 who Your Word says was "righteous and devout." May he be righteous and devout out of love for You. Thank you for giving him to us. Our family is better because he's in it.

Photo of Simeon on his first ever sleepover at his best buddy Declan's house.